
Showing posts from April, 2018

Leaders must be Readers

Reading books is a major key to success. The mega-rich and successful peoples like Bill Gates and Elon Musk devote extraordinary amounts of their time to reading. Musk even attributes his knowledge of how to build rockets to his reading habits. The way to success leads through books and learning. If you want to be successful, you have to read books. There is no alternative to it.   A book is literally the words, the ideas, the mindsets, the advice, and even the experience of another person wrapped into a convenient, portable always available collection of papers. 75% of self-made millionaires have even reported reading at least 2 books a month. The true benefits of reading are that you can pick and choose who you want to add to your inner group of influence that will eventually effect who you become a person. There are lots of books by successful people in nearly all topics. Ideas, mindsets and words are all waiting to be shared. Studies have proven that reading can...