STUTTERING: The Conclusion
Real Cause of Stuttering Stuttering can be considered as an iceberg and the speech disorder only represents the tip of the iceberg. You are neither a sick person nor there is anything wrong on your tongue. Your stuttering is not like a broken bone. If the bone is broken, it remains broken all 24 hours and causes continuous pain. The fracture does not come in front of some people and goes away in some other situations in the same day. If your stuttering was because of a tongue defect then like the broken it would too happen with the same intensity everyday everywhere. But your stuttering is not because of a defective tongue as it comes and goes depending upon who you are talking to. It’s only a fear of being judged or ridiculed which causes stuttering. Dr. Edward Conture, professor of speech pathology at Syracuse University, New York, talks about what causes stuttering “things that causes stuttering may be, and probably are, quite different from the things that keep i...