STUTTERING: The Conclusion

Real Cause of Stuttering

Stuttering can be considered as an iceberg and the speech disorder only represents the tip of the iceberg. You are neither a sick person nor there is anything wrong on your tongue. Your stuttering is not like a broken bone. If the bone is broken, it remains broken all 24 hours and causes continuous pain. The fracture does not come in front of some people and goes away in some other situations in the same day. If your stuttering was because of a tongue defect then like the broken it would too happen with the same intensity everyday everywhere. But your stuttering is not because of a defective tongue as it comes and goes depending upon who you are talking to. It’s only a fear of being judged or ridiculed which causes stuttering. 

Dr. Edward Conture, professor of speech pathology at Syracuse University, New York, talks about what causes stuttering “things that causes stuttering may be, and probably are, quite different from the things that keep it going, aggregative or worsen it. For example. If you mishandle a knife, you may cut your finger. The knife causes the cut and initial pain. Salt rubbed into the cut makes the pain continue or even worsen it but the salt does not cause the cut”. Dr. Conture says, scientists “....still haven’t found the ‘knife’ that causes the stuttering. However, we do know the something about the ‘salt’ that keeps it going, makes it worse or aggravates it”.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any drug for the treatment of stuttering. Drug therapy has not been shown to be useful for stuttering. It is not clear whether electronic devices help with stuttering.


Treatment for Stuttering

  •  Inhale deeply so that your muscles get relaxed.
  • Try singing songs. People do not stammer while singing. Later on you can practice to say the words clearly.
  •  Reading exercise is helpful in identification of patterns of repetition of syllables that causes stammering and thus reduces bottlenecks of fast reading.
  • Coordinate your mental and physical activities. Coordinating will help out to avoid stammering.
  • Meditate and exercise your way to a better life.
Ways to stop stuttering

  • Whatever words you stutter or prolong, keep a note of it and then try to work on it. Practice it alot.
  • Do not speak longer sentences. Break them into smaller sentences.
  • Practice more and more of the words that you stutter without being embarrassed
Point to Remember
  • Be confident when you speak.
  • Don’t feel shy while speaking with others
  • Speak loudly and slowly
  • Be brave, fight your fears, keep talking
  • Kill your anger
Family and Friends Support 
Family and friends are of vital importance in treatment of stuttering. Family members and friends should use all possible means to deliver the person of his state of anxiety which is the only cause of stuttering in all large number of cases. They must:
·         Not push or react harshly on a person who is stuttering
·         Listen carefully, when such a person speaks.
·         Adapt to speak slowly and nor interrupt when a person stutter
·         Be patient and wait for the person to complete words.
·         Not complete sentences or words when such a person is trying to speak.

You can never “cure” stutterer.

Instead the goal is to enable the stutterer to talk fluently

Practicing mediation is also an effective form of yoga to cure symptoms of stuttering. Mediation helps in relieving stress and tension, which contribute to stuttering significantly. Individuals who stutter are usually conscious about their stutter and get very anxious when they have to speak. Meditation will help the mind stay calm, allowing the person to relax during anxious moments, which is important when articulating. It would help you to also start practicing focusing on your breath and slow breathing in order to control your thoughts and emotions. A positive attitude, learning to love and accepts yourself and things around you with dignity and gratitude will certainly for a way long way in helping you.

Speech Therapy
Speech therapy has been use to cure or reduce the intensity of stuttering. Speech therapist tries to diagnose the cause of stuttering and accordingly prescribe exercises. One of the best known methods, speech therapy is a process on the basis of relaxing the speech mechanism to reduce stuttering. It includes slowing down the speed of speech, coastal breathing, and therapy class for treatment.


As for Stutters, if you want to read good books i would personally suggest books by Dale Carnegie like “How to make friends and influence people”, “How to stop worrying and start living” and 2 more such books by the same author that stresses on real life communication and public speaking. Also of you want to go for stutter specific books then go to to read free e-books by well known SLP’s. I would also recommend a free e-book “Redefining Stuttering” by John Harrison. These books are authentic and speak the truth without any ulterior motives.

My Final Conclusion
Always remember, only you can help yourself. There is no sudden way to cure stuttering but the therapy can certainly help in most cases. Slowing down the rate of speech to speak in the medium lengthening style is nothing but an act of controlling the speech. As far as i can understand 100% cure is not possible and there is no known cure for this problem. Think happy and positive thoughts. Be calm, stay calm and you can improve your stuttering.

Note: This blog is not on any theoretical knowledge. it is based upon my personal experience.



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